GHP Insights

News, Q&As and Press Releases From Our Team

Q&A - Is it an offence to poison a neighbour's tree?

Q:  My neighbour's tree overhangs my fence and it is so large that it cuts out the light from a large area of my small garden. I have repeatedly asked him to cut it down but he has refused. In fact he has been quite nasty. The roots are right against my fence. Would I be committing an offence if I poisoned the tree?

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Q&A - Do I need extra provision to protect my children's inheritance when I remarry?

Q:  After my first wife died I changed my Will, leaving everything to my three sons. Recently I have been blessed with meeting someone else and we are getting married. The lady in question is financially independent and we will live in my house after we are married and rent her house out. When anything happens to one of us we will revert to living how we did before and our respective children will remain sole beneficiaries as per our current Wills. Do we need to make extra provisions?

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Q&A - Corporate Manslaughter - Employer responsibility for company vehicles & drivers

Q:  I have several pool cars which staff use when making company visits. What are the implications for employers under the Corporate Manslaughter & Corporate Homicide Act, if for example an employee caused a fatal accident whilst driving a company vehicle?

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