GHP Insights

News, Q&As and Press Releases From Our Team

Q&A - How can I protect my childrens inheritance but ensure my husband is not left homeless?

Q: Both myself and my husband are in our 50s. I have two children from my first marriage but my husband has none. Our house is in my name alone and we have made Wills leaving everything to each other when the first of us dies, then to my children when the second passes away.

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Q&A - Can I ensure my Will is not challenged if I leave everything to my new wife?

Q: I am a widower and have met a wonderful lady I would like to marry. I am however worried what may happen if I die before her. Her former husband was a scoundrel and left her with almost nothing, so as my children are grown-up and successful I feel it would be more important to look after her in my Will. I don’t think my children would contest it if I made her the main beneficiary but is there any way of ensuring her protection just in case?

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Q&A - Can I replace my mother as Trustee of a Will Trust

Q: My mother is a Trustee of her uncle’s Will Trust, in which he left his estate in trust for the benefit of his grandchildren.  My mother has not however been well recently and has lost a lot of confidence. As a result she no longer feels she is up to the shouldering the duties and responsibilities of being a Trustee and has asked me if I can take her place.  Is it possible for me to replace her as a Trustee and, if so, what do I need to do?

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Q&A - Can I leave my half of the marital home to our children?

Q: My husband and I own our property jointly. However, I am concerned that if I die before him the ownership of our property would pass solely to him and if he remarried his new wife could inherit our property and our children could be left with nothing.  Is there any way I can arrange matters so that my children inherit my half of the house?

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Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Lovely morning in the Church decorating GHP Legal’s Christmas tree for the All Saints Church Gresford Christmas Tree Festival.   1st – 4th December – it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!   Open from 10am tomorrow … raising funds for Nightingale House and Hope House Hospices.

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Q&A - Should I accept the insurers compensation offer for crash injuries?

Q: I was a passenger in a work colleague’s car when he skidded off the road and the car overturned. I can’t say I had life-threatening injuries but I was badly bruised and I broke my wrist which meant I couldn’t work for almost two months. A friend advised me to claim injury compensation so I contacted a law firm who advertise on line and they took all the details and made a claim on my behalf. They have now written to me to say they have received an offer from the driver’s insurers. The offer was, however, a lot lower than I had been led to expect, but they say if I don’t accept it I will get even less. Is this what usually happens?

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Law firm donates £1700 to Wrexham hospice in lieu of Will-writing

Work done by a leading North Wales law firm during a single week has raised £1700 for charity.

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Wrexham lawyers say bosses need to find out what constitutes domestic violence

A Wrexham lawyer has urged bosses being targeted in a 16-day campaign to provide support for employees who are victims of domestic violence to familiarise themselves with exactly what the term ‘domestic violence’ means.

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Q&A - Would I qualify for legal aid if I only suffer verbal rather than physical abuse?

Q: My partner is verbally abusive to me. I really cannot take any more and I want to end the relationship but I don’t have any money. Even though he has never gone as far as to hit me, could I still qualify for legal aid for family proceedings?

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Q&A - Father did not appoint executors or get Will correctly witnessed. Is it invalid?

Q: After my father passed away recently we found his Will amongst his paperwork. In it he leaves the bulk of his estate in varying ways to me and my brother, as our step-mother died a few years ago, plus some bequests to extended family members. The problem is that he doesn’t appear to have appointed any executors and the Will only bears the signature of one witness. My step-brother says the Will is only valid if it has been witnessed and signed by two people. Is this true and if it is, what are the implications of it being invalid?

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