GHP Insights

News, Q&As and Press Releases From Our Team

Q&A - I want a divorce but I do not think I can afford it. What can I do?


Q:  Sadly my husband and I have separated and I now desperately want a divorce, but am holding off because one of the many issues I face is that I am unable to cover the cost of the divorce myself. I have been told that the court fee and solicitor fees could be in the region of a few thousand pounds, so given my financial situation I feel this is not an option. What can I do?


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Q&A - Should we join Group Litigation to claim compensation from steelworks for chest illness?

Q: My father worked in a local steelworks until it shut.  He retired early but he never got the chance to enjoy his retirement because he was troubled with chest illness which got worse and worse and then he died at a relatively young age. My family and I have been told that his illness was almost certain to have been caused by the environment where he worked and that we should put in a claim for compensation.  Someone told me recently that there is a Group Litigation Order with the time limit of the 23rd February 2018 to make a claim in.  Should I make a claim through my local solicitors or should I use one of the two law firms acting for the Group? 

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Q&A - My aggressive husband says he will oppose divorce application. What can I do?

Q: My husband and I have separated owing to his unpleasant, aggressive behaviour towards me. We constantly row and now I have finally told him I want to bring the marriage to an end on the basis of his unreasonable behaviour. He is really angry and says this is not what he wants. He is threatening that if I try to divorce him he will defend any proceedings and make sure the whole process is as expensive and unpleasant for me as he can. I just don’t know what to do. Can you advise me?

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Wrexham solicitor returns to home town as a Criminal lawyer

A Wrexham woman who juggled university studies with raising a young family has realised her dream of returning to her home town of Wrexham as a Criminal lawyer.

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Q&A - My husband is gambling our money away. Is this a ground for divorce?

Q.  My husband is addicted to gambling. I work full time and pay money into the joint account as I have throughout our marriage. Since losing his job, the gambling has got worse. He is using the fixed odds gambling machines in the bookies and is draining our funds. What can I do? Are there grounds for divorce?

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