Q&A - How can I get my name taken off mortgage for property I no longer live in?
Q: My partner and I separated two years ago. When we were together we bought a house in joint names and we both had our names on the mortgage. After we separated, my ex-partner continued to live in the house and is now living there with a new partner but refuses to remove my name from the mortgage. This is a massive worry to me as they keep missing the mortgage payments, which is having a huge impact on my credit rating. I can’t afford to pay for the mortgage so what should I do?
Read moreWrexham lawyer assists in setting legal precedent after overturning local health board decision
A Wrexham lawyer is at the centre of a legal precedent set in the recent judgment of a mental health case brought before the Upper Tribunal.
Read moreQ&A - Neighbour cannot leave nursing home as she is subject to a DoLS. What does this mean?
Q: Our elderly neighbour is in a nursing home. Every time I visit her she says she wants to leave. The front door of the home is locked so she cannot get out but she keeps asking me to help her. She says she has received some paperwork saying she is subject to a DoLS. What does this mean?
Read moreQ&A - How can we get a Court Order so that we can see our grandchildren?
Q: After our son died five years ago we played a big part in our grandchildren’s lives but now their mother has met someone who has stopped them seeing us. After they texted several times saying they missed us we tried to contact their mother to talk about the situation but she just switched off her phone. How do we go about applying to the Court for a contact order?
Read moreQ&A - How do I proceed with disciplinary of employee who maligned company on Facebook?
Q: I am the MD of a small business. It has recently been brought to my attention that one of my employees has been making derogatory comments about the company on Facebook. Whilst I consider this to be some kind of breach of the company’s disciplinary policy I am not sure how to proceed because the employee’s Facebook account is personal to him and the posts were made in his own time. How should I proceed with a disciplinary?
Read moreQ&A - Should my parents have made an LPA even though they had an existing EPA?
Q: My mum has dementia. She was recently admitted to hospital with other medical issues and is likely to require extensive care when she is released. My father and I would like to care for her at home rather than see her move into residential care. I am her attorney under a registered Enduring Power of Attorney but the doctors have told me this only relates to financial decisions and not to her care arrangements. Is this correct?
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