GHP Insights

News, Q&As and Press Releases From Our Team

Q&A Is it possible to get an Agricultural Occupancy Condition removed?

My wife and I moved into a cottage on my father’s farm when we got married. My mother died a few years ago and at that point we moved into the big farmhouse and my dad moved into the cottage. Last September my father sadly contracted coronavirus and died. I was the sole beneficiary of his estate. As we have no further need for the cottage and want to raise some capital to diversify the business, we have been thinking about modernizing, extending and selling the cottage. How would we go about getting the Agricultural Occupancy Condition removed to maximise its value?

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Q&A Can developer and council ignore or remove an old covenant?

Land behind my house which was owned by an old man was bought four years ago by a developer who subsequently got planning permission to build 27 houses. We, the homeowners whose properties back on to the development site, were given rights of access to what has been a play area for many, many years.

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Q&A GP telephone consultation produced misdiagnosis and my husband died. Can I sue?

My husband was 62, fit and healthy. In February this year he suffered sharp chest pains whilst cycling. He called the GP but waited 3 days for a telephone consultation as they are still not automatically doing face to face consultations. The GP said it sounded like a mild angina attack that may never recur. She prescribed a glyceryl trinitrate spray and told him to ‘keep an eye’ on his blood pressure. After pressing several times, he finally got a hospital appointment for a coronary angiogram in April.

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Q&A Co-habiting v Marriage – how does it affect finances and children?

My partner and I have been together for over ten years and have lived together for eight years. We both want children, but I want to be married if I have children and he doesn’t want to marry ever. If we have children and we are not married, what are the implications in respect of the children and finances if we should split up, or if one of us should die?

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Q&A Do I have to pay workers if delayed flights keep them off work?

Can you clarify the situation for employers whose workers fail to return to work at the end of their agreed leave period? For example, as an employer, would I have to pay an employee who overruns his holiday? Would I be obliged to let them take the additional time as unpaid leave?

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Q&A Can I stop maintenance to prevent my ex from taking our kids to live abroad?

My wife and I got divorced in 2018. Under a Child Arrangements Order the children live with her as I often work away, and it was felt this was in their best interests. I should have them every other weekend, but I accept they sometimes have other things they want to do instead and so I work around them. My ex-wife meanwhile has decided she wants to begin a new life abroad and take the children with her. 

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Q&A As a volunteer, what can I do about sexual harassment in the workplace?

I started volunteering for a large national charity when I retired. I love what I do, and it has become a major part of my life. However, one of the employed members of the team has made several sexual advances towards me, constantly makes sexually orientated comments to me and has even suggested he knows where I live, which I see as a veiled threat to pay me an unwanted visit. I have tried several times to speak to his line manager but was brushed off with such as: “Oh, he doesn’t mean anything by it, he is only playing with you.”

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Q&A Can I add a clause to my employee’s contracts?

I run a small niche business in the food industry. I employ a handful of staff on zero hours contracts. Since lockdown ended, I have had problems with them coming back in when I need them. I have now discovered it is because they have all been working ‘on the side’. The bigger concern of course is that they may take away business and customers from me. Can I write a clause into their contracts to prevent them working in the same market on the side?

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Q&A Can I claim compensation for PTSD caused by witnessing car crash scene?

My wife was involved in a serious crash when a lorry collided with her. She phoned me in distress, and I immediately drove to be with her to wait for the emergency services. I arrived within minutes and what I saw was horrifying. The car was mangled, and my wife was trapped inside, bleeding heavily and telling me she thought she was going to die. It was like something from a horror film.

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