Q&A - How should I go about letting agricultural land out for grazing?
Q: A farmer cousin of mine in Yorkshire has made a healthy sum from unused land this summer by letting it out for grazing. I am now thinking about doing the same next year. Can you explain the best way to go about it?
Read moreQ&A - How can I stop staff browsing Facebook in company time?
Q: I run a medium sized company where all staff have access to the internet. Members of staff are allowed to access the internet for work purposes and during their lunch hour. Although we have a social media policy I have been made aware that at least one member of staff is browsing facebook and other similar sites during the working day, outside of the lunch hour. What can I do about this as it is causing considerable upset among the staff?
Read moreMental Capacity expert warns life support withdrawal ruling will open a can of worms
A leading expert in Mental Capacity law has warned that a landmark ruling this week which removes the requirement for a judge to decide whether nutrition should be withdrawn from patients in a hopeless vegetative state will open a can of worms.
Read moreJudges should not need guidance on contact orders
The head of one of the region’s largest Family law teams has expressed surprise and concern at guidelines published this week for judges involved in child contact cases.
Read moreWrexham Criminal lawyer gains accreditation to give voice to mental health patients
A Wrexham criminal duty solicitor has trained and qualified to become a member of the Law Society Mental Health Accreditation Scheme in a bid to provide a voice for the increasing number of people with mental health problems who find themselves in the criminal justice system.
Read moreQ&A - Is gym liable if Personal Trainer has caused injury to my knee?
Q. I recently booked some one on one training sessions with a personal trainer at my local gym. The sessions were difficult and quite agonising but the trainer forced me to carry on, telling me ‘no pain, no gain’. I am now unable to weight bear onto my knee which has become extremely painful. If my trainer has caused me this injury what should I do?.
Read moreQ&A - How do I enforce a Child Arrangements Order?
Q. I have a court order which sets out very clearly when I can see my children who live with their mother, my ex-wife. The problem is that my ex picks and chooses which part of the order she complies with and I just don’t know what to do. Can she be punished?
Read moreQ&A - Why wont Enduring Power of Attorney set up after my father died allow me to make decisions about my mums care?
Q: My mum has had a stroke and is likely to require considerable care when she is released from hospital. Mentally she is fine; it’s just her mobility and speech that’s a problem, but I would still like to care for her at home rather than see her moved into residential care. However, the doctors won’t agree, even though I have a registered Enduring Power of Attorney that we set up after my dad died more than fifteen years ago. They say this only relates to financial decisions and not to care arrangements. What can I do?
Read moreQ&A - What are the rules of Shared Parental Leave and Statutory Shared Parental Pay?
Q: I run a small manufacturing workshop and employ seven male staff. Recently one of my employees announced that he will become a new father in 6 months’ time. I overheard him say he wants to take a few months off to bond with his child but I thought men only got a couple of weeks? What do I need to know?
Read moreOswestry Cricket Club v Lashings All Stars Event
GHP Legal official sponsors of Oswestry CC. A great day at Oswestry CC v Lashings All Stars 31st August.
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