GHP Insights

News, Q&As and Press Releases From Our Team

Q&A Can park home site owner dictate who we sell to?

Q:      We have lived in a park home since retiring, but now want to move nearer our son. The site we are on is small and changed hands two years ago. The new owners insist they must approve any newcomers. This is making it very difficult for anyone to sell. We think they hope to eventually clear the site and then sell the land off for development. Do they really have the right to dictate to us who we sell to?

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Q&A What happens if an Executor makes a mistake in the administration of a Will?

A friend has asked me to be an executor of her Will. I don’t want to upset her by refusing, but as I have no idea what is involved in the administration of an estate, I am concerned about making a mistake and what my liabilities might be if I got something wrong.

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Q&A Is reaching a 'fair' financial settlement in divorce as complicated as it looks

I want to go for a no-fault divorce for speed and cost reasons. A friend advised me I should sort out our finances at the same time as he said there could be implications further down the road if we don’t.

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Q&A Flooding in my garden caused by developers has cost me thousands. Can I get compensation?

My lawns and flower beds have literally been under water for two months and I believe it is due to a housing development behind my property. During construction the developers have piled up earth at least 4m high behind my garden fence, presumably to be ultimately spread around the site. 

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