GHP Insights

News, Q&As and Press Releases From Our Team

Q&A What is the procedure for going through the new no-fault divorce?

.....lockdown did us a favour as it brought us to the sensible decision that we were wasting our lives by staying together. We read about a new ‘no blame’ divorce law that let’s couples use the same solicitor - what is the procedure?

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Q&A How can I protect my son’s inheritance share if I die before he reaches 18?

I am widowed with two older stepchildren, and a son who is a minor......How best could I provide for my son’s upkeep and ensure the house was sold when he reached 18?

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Q&A What does being an Executor of a Will involve?

A close friend has decided to make a new Will and has asked me to be an executor. ...... Can you explain what being an executor involves?

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Q&A Can my employee insist on working from home?

One of our employees has requested to work permanently from home, as he did during lockdown when we temporarily closed our offices to prevent the spread of covid. I am not happy to agree as I believe he will get distracted by his wife and young children when he should be working. Would there be legal implications if I turned down his request?

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Q&A Can we be held responsible for old contamination on site we have bought?

I own a small industrial unit on a site that used to be a farm......Can we really be held responsible for contamination that occurred before we bought into the site and foot the bill for removing it?

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Q&A Teaching job was so stressful I had a heart attack – can I claim compensation?

I teach in a large school..... I have had a mild heart attack. Is there any redress for financial compensation that would allow me to leave?

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Q&A Should employer have issued new contract when my job changed to home working?

I worked from home throughout lockdown...When lockdown ended, we were all told the offices were being sold and we should continue to work at home.....Is there anything we can do about it?

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Q&A I have fathered a child. Can I see him?

I have just discovered that I have fathered a son with my former partner. Apparently, she deliberately got pregnant and her only interest in me was for that purpose. Whilst I will not ever forgive her for using me, I would like to get to know my son and play a part in his life. I have contacted my ex-partner to tell her this, but she will not talk to me about it and says she does not want me in her life or our son’s life. Do I have any legal right to be involved in his life?

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Q&A Will the new no-fault divorce law make it easier to divorce my husband?

I heard that a no-fault divorce law was due to come into force this April. Will this make it easier for me to divorce my husband? 

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