GHP Insights

News, Q&As and Press Releases From Our Team

Q&A How can I provide ID if I have no Passport or Driving Licence? I have never owned a passport and I only have the old-style paper driving licence, what am I supposed to do?

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Q&A My ex stopped making the mortgage payments. Now the lender is after me.

The lender is trying to hold me liable. My ex is a mess and says to just let them repossess. What should I do? 

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Q&A My ex-wife and new partner want me to have Indirect Contact only with my son. Can they do this?

My ex-wife and I divorced when our 9-year-old son was two. I had regular access to him under a Child Arrangements Order but when I went to work overseas for a year in 2021, my contact with him had to be via video calls....Can they do this?

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Q&A Missing Junction sign caused my accident. Can I sue the Council?

During bad weather when visibility was poor, I was driving home in the dark when I came to what turned out to be a junction car went off the road and into a ditch.  Can I claim against the council?

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Q&A Executors sold off aunt’s estate when they had power of attorney. Can I challenge her Will?

My mother’s sister died this year.... I have received my £30,000 but have been denied anything from the house. Can I do anything?

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Q&A Asset rich, cash poor – should we sell the house to our son?

Like many people these days, we find ourselves asset rich and cash poor in retirement and wondering whether to downsize.....what would happen if we didn’t live 7 years? And should we pay him rent?

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