GHP Insights

News, Q&As and Press Releases From Our Team

Q&A - How do I appoint someone to legally care for my child if I die?

Q:    My husband died in Afghanistan and now I have been diagnosed with an aggressive cancer. My parents are elderly and my in-laws and sister all live abroad, so I do not have any relatives who could feasibly look after my daughter and bring her up if I die. Her godparents, who are my closest friends, adore her and would gladly have her, but as they are not her blood relatives how can I go about ensuring that this can happen?

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Q&A - Could I be sacked for refusing to have the Covid jab?

Q:    I am 28 so have not yet been offered a covid vaccination, but I know when I am that I will not want it, and I also know that my employer will expect me to have it. I do not like needles or the idea of having chemicals pumped into me when I am not ill. The big question is, could my employer get rid of me if I refuse the vaccine? Wouldn’t an ultimatum of get vaccinated or get the sack be contravening my employee rights? I only started with the firm at the end of 2019 so I don’t think I would be able to go to a tribunal and bring a case of unfair dismissal.

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Q&A - Can landlord force me out if she sells? Or could new owner put up my rent?

Q:    I am just two months into a twelve-month AST and my landlord has informed me that she has decided to sell up. I particularly asked for a 12-month term lease because I wanted to feel settled after a traumatic period in my life, so I don’t want to move out, but I am also concerned about getting a new landlord in case they put my rent up. What are my rights?

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Ant puts the pressure on to raise £1000 for Motor Neurone Disease

A Wrexham man is being cheered on by work colleagues, family and friends to perform one thousand press-ups during May to raise much needed funds and public awareness for Motor Neurone Disease (MND).

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Q&A - If we remarry, do we need to update our Wills leaving everything to our respective children?

Q:    My fiancé and I both have grown up children who are currently sole beneficiaries of our respective Wills. We are both financially independent and wish to continue to keep our estates separate when we marry so that our children will retain their due inheritance. We each own a mortgage-free property and plan to rent out one and live in the other, so if anything happens to one of us the other can continue living where we were before. We have opened a joint bank account into which we will each put an equal amount for living costs. If we keep everything separate, is there any need to make new Wills?

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Q&A - Dog barks all day now neighbour has returned to work. What can we do?

Q:    Our privately owned house is attached to a rented property. During COVID lockdown when the tenants were furloughed, they got a puppy which is now nine months old. All was fine until the tenants returned to work and left the dog alone all day. Since then, it has barked all day, every weekday. As my wife and I work from home the situation is untenable. We spoke to the tenants and to the managing agent, who says he has sent them a letter, but still it continues. We also phoned the council who similarly said they would send out a letter. Is there anything further we can before we consider moving?

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Q&A - My dad has long COVID, can I take his place as Trustee of a Will Trust?

Q:    My father was appointed a Trustee of a Will Trust set up by a wealthy aunt of his a few years ago. However, my father was struck down by coronavirus last summer and he has now been diagnosed with long COVID. He is really poorly and is prone to mithering about things, which does not help his condition. Now he is worrying about being able to fulfill his duty and responsibility to the Trust. I am wondering whether it would be possible for me to replace him as a Trustee and if so, what would I need to do?

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Q&A - Assaulted and injured by a customer! Can my son sue his employer?

Q:    My son is a relief manager at a large supermarket. Since the coronavirus pandemic started, he has suffered verbal abuse from customers and been told he must ‘just get on with it’. A couple of weeks ago he saw a man put two bottles of whiskey in a backpack and make off with them. My son shouted to the security guy who did not appear to hear. As my son was nearer, he ran after the man. As he rounded the corner in the store the man turned and hit my son and broke his jaw. My son fell against a heavy steel plant stacker that went over on him. He is in a bad way, both physically and mentally. Does he have a case for claiming against the store for his injuries?

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New solicitor appointed to ease case load surge in private client work.

A surge in private client work, brought on in part by the coronavirus pandemic, has resulted in law teams across the country taking on new members of staff. The latest announcement in this region is the appointment of a new solicitor at the Wrexham head office of GHP Legal.

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Q&A - If I apply for a Contact Order will my children get their wish to come and stay?

Q:    Sadly, following our enforced homeworking in the COVID19 lockdown, my wife and I decided we could no longer live together and so we separated after Christmas. As finances are restricted, I opted to lodge with my sister and her family for the time being. My sister has a boy and a girl, like we do, and is perfectly happy for my two to come and stay at weekends and bunk in with her two. My wife, however, is refusing to agree to this, despite our children wanting to come. If I apply to the court for a contact order, will the wishes of the children be taken into account?

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