GHP Insights

News, Q&As and Press Releases From Our Team

Q&A - I need to make a Will but I do not know where to start!

Q:  I think I need to make a will but I don’t know where to start. I have an 18 year old son from a previous relationship who no longer lives with me. I own my house and live in it with my current partner and our 15 year old daughter. The house is in my name but my partner and I both pay for the maintenance and upkeep of the house and share the cost of the bills. If I die will the house transfer to my partner? How can I make sure that my son and daughter are both treated equally?  Would things be different if my partner and I get married? 

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Q&A - Would making sexual demands in public be grounds for divorce?

Q. My husband wants me to engage in sexual acts which I find unacceptable. He is particularly insistent about us having sex outdoors. I am a Governor at my children’s school and a well known member of my local community and I am therefore extremely worried about being discovered. He, on the other hand, seems to find the risk exciting. I can no longer cope with his constant demands. Do I have grounds for a divorce?

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Legal advice now available at Oswestrys former Co-op bank premises

A Legal 500 Top Tier law firm in Oswestry has expanded the corporate division of its business and procured new prestigious office premises in the town. 

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Q&A - If I move into my partners house will I have any legal rights?

Q: My partner says he doesn’t ever want to get married but he has asked me whether I will move in with him. He owns the house where he lives and he says he will carry on paying the mortgage and bills and I can buy the food. He says if we are still together in two years, and I start contributing to the mortgage then, I could have a share of the house. Would this give me any legal rights though? I trust him at the moment and I believe he means well, but I have concerns that if things between us should change in the future I won’t have any kind of protection and I may end up having to start over in a different situation with nothing.

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Q&A - What are the laws regarding older drivers?

Q: Since the Prince Philip crash scandal, I have found myself wondering; what are the laws regarding ‘older drivers’? My father is 84 and is getting a bit doddery, but he is still driving. Can you ever be too old to drive?.

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Court of Protection Solicitor concerned by 14% increase in people being deprived of their liberty

A local solicitor who specialises in Court of Protection cases concerning the elderly has expressed massive concern about government statistics published by the Ministry of Justice on March 28th that revealed there were 4,557 Deprivation of Liberty (DOL) applications in 2018, a 14% increase compared to 2017.

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Q&A - I can not afford a solicitor. Can I apply to court myself for child access?

Q.  I don’t think I can afford a Solicitor. Can I take my ex to Court myself for child access?

A.  There is nothing to prevent you from making your own application and representing yourself at Court in any family law matter, but I would proceed with caution. The application is an extremely important document and despite the court simplifying the form for use by litigants in person, you must be very careful what you are asking the Court to do.  The application is referred to throughout the proceedings so it is vital that you get it right.

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