Q&A - Can step-mother sell house if deceased father left his half of it to me?
Q: My father died nine years ago. In his Will he left his half of the house he bought with my step-mother to me. At the time I agreed she could continue living in the property but now she has announced that she is putting it up for sale and moving south. Surely, if my father left half the house to me, my step-mother cannot sell it and use all the proceeds to buy another home for herself?
Read moreQ&A - Tonsil op impaired my speech and caused me to lose my job can I claim compensation?
Q: I have long suffered recurring bouts of tonsillitis so my GP referred me to hospital to have my tonsils removed. The consent form at the hospital described the operation as ‘routine’ and only noted ‘bleeding’ and ‘infection’ as possible risks. However, after the operation my speech was affected to the extent that I required speech therapy. After several examinations I was told I have a significant degree of scarring from the surgery and this is the cause of my speech problems.
Read moreQ&A - Can my dead partner’s estranged wife evict me from the home we shared?
Q: My partner died suddenly in August this year from a heart attack, aged 42. We had been together for almost three years but couldn’t marry because his wife wouldn’t agree to a divorce, even though she had left him and gone to work abroad a few months before I met him. After I moved in he bought his wife out of the house and I gave birth to our lovely little boy. He was totally committed to our relationship and said he would always look after us. However, after he died I discovered there was no Will and now his wife’s solicitor has written giving me notice to vacate the house. Surely my son and I have some rights to his estate?
Read moreQ&A - Can Care Home make me pay fees for when Mum was in hospital prior to her death?
Q: My mother recently died in hospital, having been taken there seven weeks earlier from the private Care Home where she had lived for four years.
Read moreQ&A - I am thinking of becoming a landlord, do I need to be registered?
Q: I recently inherited some money from my mother and am considering buying a property in the Wrexham area to rent out. Someone told me that I would need to be registered and licenced to be a landlord. Is this correct, even if I only have one rental property?
Read moreClaire realises dream to qualify as a Solicitor
A Wrexham-born woman who returned to her roots to work after studying at university has been admitted as a solicitor after completing a two year legal training contract with one of the region’s largest law firms.
Read moreQ&A - Stepfather won’t give us Mum’s jewellery because it wasn’t in her Will what can we do?
Q: Our mother inherited some valuable jewellery from her mother which she always said would pass to me and my sister when anything happened to her. However, when she recently died we discovered that she had not put this in her Will and our step-father has refused to hand over the jewellery, despite being present on many occasions when Mum said it would one day be ours.
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