GHP Insights

News, Q&As and Press Releases From Our Team

Wrexham lawyers say there is a growing need for pre-nups

Members of one of the area's largest family law teams have criticised the views of the Marriage Foundation who yesterday claimed there is no need to make pre and post-nuptial agreements binding.

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Wrexham lawyer honoured with top award at Chester & North Wales Law Society dinner

A Wrexham lawyer who has served her home town since graduating from Aberystwyth University in 1976 has been honoured with a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Chester and North Wales branch of The Law Society.

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Law firm secretary to take part in puppet show for grown-ups

A secretary who works in the Criminal department of a leading Wrexham law firm is to take part next week in a musical at The Forum Studio Theatre in Chester which is aimed at adults only.

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Q&A - What are the pitfalls of acquiring land for a small wind farm?

Q:   My business partner and I are looking to purchase some agricultural land with a view to constructing a small wind farm. Can you outline any potential pitfalls we may encounter?

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Wrexham law firm appoints new Higher Court Advocate

A higher court advocate who has already gained an enviable reputation for criminal defence on the courts circuit in Wales and acted in a number of serious and high profile Crown Court cases has joined a leading Wrexham law firm.

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Q&A - Surely my employer cannot sack me because I have tattoos?

Q: I started a new job as a receptionist at a beauty salon last November and was given a long-sleeved winter and short-sleeved summer uniform to wear. The job was going well until the Christmas ‘do' when I wore a strappy dress and the boss saw the tattoos I have on my arms.

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Q&A - What is the best way to bring my sons into the farming business?

Q: I have two sons who work on the family farm but have only ever been employees. Now I am getting older I am concerned about their future when anything happens to me, and also how I secure my wife's future. I was wondering about a formal partnership. One of the lads does however have a longstanding girlfriend who is the only child of another farming family, and may at some stage farm there instead. Can you advise me?

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Q&A - Can I get an Agricultural Occupancy Condition removed from farm cottage?

Q: I am a farmer. A few years ago I diversified, which meant I needed less workers and a cottage on the farm was left vacant. When my son, who chose a different career, got married twelve years ago, he and his wife moved into the cottage. Now they are moving to a different part of the country and I would like to sell the cottage to fund my retirement. Is there a way I can get the Agricultural Occupancy Condition removed to increase its value?

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Q&A - Will my children's wishes be taken into account if I seek a Contact Order?

Q: My wife and I have recently separated. Since the separation I have only seen our two young children once, but I have spoken to them frequently and they told me they want to spend more time with me but their mother won't let them. If I apply to court for a contact order, will the opinions of the children be taken into account?

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Q&A - My wife and children have left. How can I find out where they have gone?

Q: My wife and I had a terrible argument over Christmas and she walked out of the family home taking the children with her. I haven't heard from her since and I have no idea where she has gone. I thought when the new term started she would take the children to school and I would be able to go there and get to talk to her, but this is not the case and the head says she has no idea where they are either. I am completely distraught and I just don't know what to do. Can you advise me?

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