GHP Insights

News, Q&As and Press Releases From Our Team

Q&A We think Mum died due to hospital negligence. Can we claim compensation?

My mother was hospitalised after seeing her GP due to heart problems. She had been diagnosed with heart failure a couple of years ago but when she saw her GP her symptoms were severe and an ECG carried out at the surgery was abnormal.

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Q&A Can I force staff to stop working from home and return to the office?

During lockdown we allowed our staff to work from home, to ensure the business remained viable and jobs were protected. Post pandemic, several staff members wanted to continue working from home and we agreed they could. Now, however, after closely monitoring the situation for a year we feel it is necessary to have all staff back in the office to regain the efficiency levels we achieved pre pandemic. We foresee there will be objections to this. Can employees refuse to comply?

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What should I expect from my solicitors when I buy a house?

Buying a property can be a daunting process, so handing over responsibility to a solicitor you can trust to handle the conveyancing will be a welcome relief. The conveyancing process itself takes many weeks and during that time you may feel helpless and frustrated. Knowing beforehand what to expect will help.

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Q&A Buying or renting business premises - who can advise me?

I run a small manufacturing business that started in my garden workshop with one 3D printer. Now there are four of us in two garden workshops. My dilemma is that I don’t know whether to buy or rent some commercial premises, or whether I should speak to an accountant or a solicitor to help me decide. From a legal perspective, what are the pros and cons?

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Q&A What steps must employers take to fulfill new duty relating to prevention of workplace sexual harassment

I read about the new legislation relating to sexual harassment in the workplace and the new duty on employers to prevent it happening. As an employer I am keen to comply as I understand it could cost me dearly because there will be no cap on the compensation that could be awarded. However, what I read did not make clear what I need to do to fulfill my new duty. 

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Q&A How will the new rules on releasing prisoners early affect my partner

I have seen a lot on the news about the Prison Capacity Crisis and various things the Government are planning to do to ease it. However, there is so much different stuff being bandied about in the papers and other media that I’m really confused about whether my partner stands a chance of being released early.

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Wrexham man joins throng of UK runners raising funds to find a cure for MND

A member of staff at Wrexham’s leading law firm, GHP Legal, has joined the throng of people across the UK who are running to raise funds in aid of Motor Neurone Disease.

Ant Watkin, who works in the Debt Recovery department at GHP Legal’s head office in Grosvenor Road, Wrexham, is now almost halfway through a planned month-long challenge that will see him run a total of 60 miles by the end of August.

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It is with great sadness that the partners of GHP Legal announce the death of greatly valued criminal lawyer

The Partners of leading North Wales law firm GHP Legal are saddened to announce the death of one of the firm’s most experienced Criminal lawyers.

Henry Hills MA, a Solicitor and Crown Court Advocate specialising in Criminal Law, passed away on Monday 5th August 2024 following a short illness.

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Q&A Rejecting my boss’s advances seems to have lost me 4 chances of promotion

I have worked for my current employer for almost twelve years and believe I have done my job well. However, I have just been overlooked for promotion for the fourth time in two years and I believe it is because my director made personal advances towards me that I rejected. At the time I was very upset as the advances were tantamount to sexual harassment, but I didn’t tell anyone as I found it embarrassing and believed a complaint might be held against me.

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Q&A Should we make a Joint Will?

My current husband and I have recently married. We each have two grown-up children from previous marriages and sold our homes to pool resources and buy a new home together. Now we need to make new Wills. We want to ensure our surviving spouse has a lifetime interest in our home if one of us dies and that all our children get an equal share of our estate. To keep costs down, should we make a joint Will?

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