GHP Insights

News, Q&As and Press Releases From Our Team

Q&A We think Mum died due to hospital negligence. Can we claim compensation?

My mother was hospitalised after seeing her GP due to heart problems. She had been diagnosed with heart failure a couple of years ago but when she saw her GP her symptoms were severe and an ECG carried out at the surgery was abnormal.

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Q&A Can I force staff to stop working from home and return to the office?

During lockdown we allowed our staff to work from home, to ensure the business remained viable and jobs were protected. Post pandemic, several staff members wanted to continue working from home and we agreed they could. Now, however, after closely monitoring the situation for a year we feel it is necessary to have all staff back in the office to regain the efficiency levels we achieved pre pandemic. We foresee there will be objections to this. Can employees refuse to comply?

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