Q&A Can drunk employee I sacked sue me for cutting short his fixed term contract?
I recently sacked an employee on a fixed term contract for gross misconduct because he was found drunk and asleep on watch whilst my business premises were being burgled. Now he is threatening to sue me for unfair dismissal and breach of his fixed term contract....
Read moreQ&A Can Nil Rate Band IHT be transferred to more than one surviving spouse?
My stepfather died earlier this year.... a large proportion of his Nil Rate Band (NRB) exemption allowance went unused. I have tried to explain to my mother that she can get it transferred to her, as the surviving spouse. Now she is wondering whether she should have done this when her first husband (my father) died back in 2007 .....
Read moreQ&A Can I claim compensation for undiagnosed break to scaphoid bone?
In April I tripped and fell onto stone paving. I put my hand out to save myself and badly damaged my wrist and knee. At my GP surgery I saw a nurse who said they just seemed to be badly bruised.
Read moreQ&A How do I go about putting my partner’s name on my house deeds?
My partner and I have been together for almost four years and are planning to start a family. Our house is in my name only, but I would like her name on the deeds to show my commitment to our relationship. Does she have to be on the mortgage too?
Read moreBuying a house together? Protect your interests!
what are the implications of people buying property together when they are not married? And what happens if they split up, become ill or die?
Read moreQ&A If I buy out housing association shares, will I still have to pay ground rent?
I bought a house through a shared ownership scheme.... If we own the house 100%, will we still have to pay ground rent and service charges?
Read moreQ&A My child was trespassing and got injured. What legal action can I take?
We live near a disused quarry that is being used as a dumping ground and is also being used by local children as a playground...
Read moreNew Team Member Announcement, Clare Lewis
New team member announced for leading law firm’s busy residential property department. Meet Clare Lewis.
Read moreQ&A Local Authority won’t return children following my hospital stay. What should I do?
I have been very poorly and as I am a single parent with no family living locally, I agreed for my children to go into temporary care whilst I spent an extended period of time in hospital.....
Read moreQ&A Can employer make radical changes to job descriptions at a week’s notice?
My daughter works as a Teaching Assistant supporting young adults with learning disabilities in a mainstream college where all TAs are currently at the same pay level. With just eight days’ notice, they were told their job titles and roles were changing and they must apply for one of the new positions....
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