GHP Insights

News, Q&As and Press Releases From Our Team

Q&A If aunt’s hip replacement was bodged, can she claim for clinical negligence?

My aunt had a hip replacement late last year. The new hip is fine, but she is now experiencing mobility difficulties and great pain in her other hip and in her back....

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Q&A Can I dismiss an employee on grounds of medical incapability?

An employee who has been with us twelve years suffered a stroke in January...... Do we have grounds for medical capability dismissal?

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Q&A Can boss get rid of me for being on long term sick?

I am 62 and have been on sick leave for almost a year following a serious cancer operation..... Can he ‘pension me off’ early if I don’t want to retire?

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New Partner announced at leading Wrexham law firm

GHP Legal, which ranks among the country’s top law firms in the Legal 500 index, announced the appointment of Ulia Choudhry as a Partner in May 2023. Ulia started working as a Solicitor in the firm’s Private Client department in August 2018.

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Q&A Do we need legal advice to resolve a dispute with developer?

We had some problems with the driveway sinking in the first year, so we contacted the developer....

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Q&A Can my son get disciplinary from work if he was unaware of policies?

My son has received a disciplinary at work for referring to a client (out of her hearing) as ‘an old lady’.....

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Q&A How to sell off part of your business

Selling off a portion of your business premises could be a good way to release some of your assets if you are struggling, enabling you to retain enough of the property to still run your business whilst having the potential for further disposal or rental income in the future...

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Q&A What happens about shared access & drains if I sell off half my land?

I have run a small market garden business from my home for the last thirty years. I now want to retire but my wife does not want to move out of the house. If I sell off the business and land it occupies, what would I need to do about what would become a shared access road, drains etc? And should I sell it leasehold or freehold?

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Q&A How easy would it be to split and sell off part of my business premises?

I own a local business and my pension fund owns the property in which it operates. Due to rising costs, fewer orders, and also my age, I have decided to downsize the business this year. I am wondering whether, with this in mind, it would be feasible to split the unit into two separate units. Then I could move my business into one unit and sell off the other. What would be the main considerations if I did this?

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Q&A My gas boiler installation certificate is missing – what will happen if I sell up?

I’ve just discovered that I don’t have a boiler installation certificate for the new build house I bought 7 years ago. I called developers and they said the installation contractor has since gone out of business and as it would have been the contractor who issued it, they can’t do anything about it. Will this be a problem if I want to sell?

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