GHP Insights

News, Q&As and Press Releases From Our Team

Q&A How easy would it be to split and sell off part of my business premises?

I own a local business and my pension fund owns the property in which it operates. Due to rising costs, fewer orders, and also my age, I have decided to downsize the business this year. I am wondering whether, with this in mind, it would be feasible to split the unit into two separate units. Then I could move my business into one unit and sell off the other. What would be the main considerations if I did this?

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Q&A My gas boiler installation certificate is missing – what will happen if I sell up?

I’ve just discovered that I don’t have a boiler installation certificate for the new build house I bought 7 years ago. I called developers and they said the installation contractor has since gone out of business and as it would have been the contractor who issued it, they can’t do anything about it. Will this be a problem if I want to sell?

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Q&A Does an outstanding loan have to be repaid if the lender dies?

My Mum made a substantial loan to my brother last year when he lost his job. He was supposed to pay her back every month when he got a new job, but so far he has paid nothing, always coming up with some excuse why he cannot start paying ‘just yet’. 

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Q&A What are my rights for taking time off if strike action closes kids’ school?

I have just had to take time off work to look after my children because of the teachers’ strike.... What exactly are my rights regarding things like this?

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Q&A Can I demand employee takes a drug test?

I suspect an employee may be under the influence of drugs when he is at work. Can I demand he takes a drugs test?

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Q&A How do I ensure my ex is not running down the business to pay less in our divorce settlement?

I am currently going through a divorce from my husband. I am hoping to agree a financial settlement with him, but he seems to be deliberately running the family business into the ground to make the value look far less for the financial remedy proceedings. What can I do?

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Q&A What do I need to know about Landlord legislation?

I am considering buying my daughter’s house as a rental property as she is getting married and bought a house with her fiancé.... So, what kinds of things should I be aware of from a legal point of view?

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Did you know if your tenant dies, you may not be able to automatically repossess your property?

Many landlords are under the impression that if a property is rented to a sole tenant, they can automatically repossess the property if that tenant dies. This is, however, not the case if the tenant dies without leaving a Will, or with a Will but without an Executor.

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Young solicitor is awarded second Law Society Accreditation

A member of one of the region’s largest family law teams has been awarded The Law Society Children Law Accreditation.

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Q&A Now I am drug-free, can I increase contact with my children who are fostered?

My children were taken into care two years ago when I was unfit and unable to look after them. I was told the plan for them would be adoption, but to date no suitable adopters have been found for them and they are still in foster care. Losing my children was truly devastating and as a result of the effect it had on me, I have since managed to completely turn my life around. I no longer take drugs and I am in a really good place. I desperately want to spend more time with my children. Would it be possible for me to see them more than I am currently allowed to?

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